Ce corps froid couché peut être n’importe qui. Il peut être une femme, un mari, une fille , ou une grand-mère. Il n’a pas d’importance qui. Il importe que ce fut une âme vivante. Une âme vivante qui avaient de la famille, des amis ou des amants. Les gens qui les aimaient. Les personnes qui seraient en attente de leur retour. Les gens dont le regard seront collés à la…

That cold body lying there can be anybody’s. It can be a wife, a husband, a daughter , a son, or a grandmother. It does not matter who. It matters that it was a living soul. A living soul that had family, friends, or lovers. People who loved them. People who would be waiting for their return. People whose stare will be glued to that door waiting for their return….

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even seeing my daughter wake up today…. It was dark the room was dark and I could only see her precious butt pointing upwards… in the amazingly funny position that she sleeps… And it’s me hovering over the bed… thinking I need to leave And I’ll be away for straight 8-9 hours before I can see her again… touch her soft skin… Emrge in her big, brownish eyes… And let…

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There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Forced Silence It is almost 24 hours that I have not spoken… 24 hours that my mouth has been shout… It is not that I don’t want to talk…. As they say in French, au contraire, I am dying to talk.. To hear my own voice.. To sense how my brain puts the words together and articulates my thoughts.. Ah, it feels so amazing to talk… But it’s juts I have no…

Marsieh dar sarzmin e eskenasi e sabz rang Ghamginam… Ghamgin va tanha… Va hes mikonam ke einghad ghamgini modathast ke dar sineh am naneshaste boode…. Raftam, ghadam bezanam.. Balkeh gamhaiam az sangini baar e ghamam bardarand… Va sad albateh ke az cheshman e nagaran e bachehakam begrizam… Aaan ham hangami ke ashkhaiam sarziar mishavand Va cheshmanam ghermez va baad kardeh. Tanha chizi ke be nazaram resid ein bood…

Mama’s Day It is a beautiful day Mamas are being cherished Flowers, breakfast in bed, spa appointments, handwritten notes Little kids, kind dads.. they all find a way to express their love to that mama in their lives On this beautiful day Let’s take a moment and think about mamas whose kids can not be with them Distance, work, profession, forgetfulness All the realities of this life Let’s see…

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