There is no shortage of books talking about personal development and how you can change your life to live happily. That sounds such a cliche’. There are amazing writers out there with really great advice. So, why should you invest your precious time and energy and read what I have written? What is special about what I have to offer you? Well, if you are looking for a magical answer…

You were very patient with me in the first chapter of this book. With your cooperation and willingness, I evoked an emotion in you: Question the status quo. Let me portray this for you. You probably do the same things every day: Wake up, wash your face, brush, shower, eat breakfast, go to work, work,lunch, work, return home, rest, watch TV or excise or socialize, sleep and the same cycle…

At one point in life I was lost. Some can call it I was stuck. I was in a race with million and even billions of other people in this planet. I was luckier and ahead of at least 80% of these people by the standards of the society. From outside, I was in a perfect place. I was happily married, I had two kids, I was healthy, everyone around…