Why? You leave them with eyes wet and open wet with tears open with hope and you travel the distance between your hands and theirs never knowing when the wetness stops Does it even ever stop? But you learn that eyes can close one cold morning or one hot summer night it does not matter when it matters that it does happen and it matters that so many people wonder…

Forced Silence It is almost 24 hours that I have not spoken… 24 hours that my mouth has been shout… It is not that I don’t want to talk…. As they say in French, au contraire, I am dying to talk.. To hear my own voice.. To sense how my brain puts the words together and articulates my thoughts.. Ah, it feels so amazing to talk… But it’s juts I have no…

Mama’s Day It is a beautiful day Mamas are being cherished Flowers, breakfast in bed, spa appointments, handwritten notes Little kids, kind dads.. they all find a way to express their love to that mama in their lives On this beautiful day Let’s take a moment and think about mamas whose kids can not be with them Distance, work, profession, forgetfulness All the realities of this life Let’s see…

زمان زمان عاصي زمان سركش چون باد مي گذرد چون هردودي وهم انگيز همچون گذري بي اعتنا به آنچه مي بايد و چنان كه چون ابري بي بارشي بر بيابان زمان ياغي زمان ظالم مي گذرد به شقاوت، و مي فرسايد هر انچه بدان دلي بسته بود و ديروز مي كند و پريروز هر آنچه فردايي بود 12اكتبر2002

خاطره من اينجايم جسمم بدنم مي بينم مي شنوم مي چشم اينجا را مي بويم و حس مي كنم، زنده ام اما تنها زنده زنده در كالبد بي روح روحي كه مانده بر جا چون خاطره اي زنده در جايي كه تعلق را معني به آن مي كند خاطره ام خيره است به من مني كه ديگر نيستم ونقطه چيني كه هنوز در پي خاطره ام… 19 آگوست 2003

MY CAMEL They came to my land Claiming to LIBERATE me They killed my friends Claiming to RESCUE me I saw all and did not say a word I did not feel FREE May be I was not born to be FREE or was I? Who knows what it means to be FREE? Except for my ever born free CAMEL I ran to find my CAMEL…