Unplug and Connect
One fine day, I resorted to Tikkun Spa to restore the calm and balance...
Are We Ever Ready?
This goes back to the year 2004 and my observation back then. We have...
A man for all seasons With golden heart And clear mind Who is always...
Neurosurgeon, where art thou?
Selflessness is the word I am looking for. That is the word that comes to...
Silent Thief – Part 2
Osteoporosis is known as “silent thief” as bone loss occurs with no apparent symptoms....
Silent Thief – Part 1
My parents and my grandmother were next door neighbors. I called my Grandmother: “Maman...
A Thousand Words – یک هزار حرف
Wow! Eyes that click and exchange of a look. It feels shy. It looks...
Why Can’t Girls be President One Time?
Will this note be historical at one point? This is from last year but...
Topless Jihad
Years and years ago I was exposed to an idea from clergymen: ” In...