Why Should You Read This Book? – 3

by / September 8, 2019 Pause No Comments


There is no shortage of books talking about personal development and how you can change your life to live happily. That sounds such a cliche’. There are amazing writers out there with really great advice.

So, why should you invest your precious time and energy and read what I have written?

What is special about what I have to offer you?

Well, if you are looking for a magical answer then I have none for you. I love unicorns but I don’t exactly have a unicorn farm to offer you one of these magical beauties. But if you are looking for a decent answer as why this is a good use of your time and why it has some unicornical qualities then I can tell you why:

All you read in this book is REAL, TRUE, and TESTED.

It is DONE by me and my clients.

There is NO theory and fluff in this book.

As you see in the first chapter, I confessed that I was lost but we also saw that I was lost without knowing that I was lost.


This is the catch the sets this book apart. 

This book is aimed at people who are lost without knowing that they are lost. It is for people who are stuck but do not want to admit it or are too afraid to face it. People who feel like wanting a change but don’t know how to make it happen or where to begin.

I am going to explain:

Imagine you are flying in the sky. It is a blue, beautiful sky with a burning sun above you. You are flying above a vast desert in your own airplane. You are alone. You are excited. Flying above desert in your own airplane has been your BIG dream for ages and you are doing it!!


You are enjoying the vastness of sky and this amazing fleeing that you are in the sky.  You are going on but the scenery does not really change. It is the blue sky in front of you and the beige shades of sand dunes under you. The excitement of the beginning of the journey subsides after some time. You start looking at your watch. You are little by little hoping to get to the destination. You are kind of hesitating to say it loud that you want this trip to finish. After all, flying above the desert has been one of your life long goals and something that you imagined you will enjoy immensely. Then why are you not as thrilled as you were an hour or so ago? Why is this excitement dying down in you and being replaced with: are we there yet?

While these thoughts are going on in you, you try to sit back and relax. You keep telling yourself that you want to enjoy this moment. Alas, it is not that easy.

This dance in your head is going on until you suddenly realize that your plane is shaking and before you know it you see that you are headed to the earth. Your airplane has stopped working. The engine has stopped and you are headed down to crash the earth. You run and grab the life vest and jump out. There is really not much time to think. You need to take action to save your life. Death all of a sudden is inevitable and so near. You feel it but you do  not have time to think about it.

You jump out of the airplane. The feeling of the wind against your skin is good but you are too scared to enjoy anything and until your body touches the ground in the most inglorious way, you can not really breathe deep. You land in a pile of sand. It is soft and hot. Your skin burns immediately. You feel the sensations of burning and hotness from the first moment very deeply. 

You have landed in the middle of the desert. That harsh, scary reality hits you in the head right there and then very strongly. There is no time to ponder and sugar coat the situation. You are in the middle of the desert under the blazing sun. You immediately think of: How do I rescue myself?

You see in this scenario until the time that the plane was moving forward, you did not even consider the fact that this is a possibility and that your airplane can go down any minute. You were dealing with your boredom and the fact that even the most extraordinary experiences can lose their appeal and excitement so quickly for us. 

This is life on autopilot. Until things are going well, we might allow ourselves to think of our boredom here and there but we don’t feel a sense of urgency to do anything about it for the most part. We are moving with life as long as it is not a super harsh ride. The scenery might be boring but hey we are not sure if we want to experience anything else differently.

You see there is NO urgency for taking an action in our mind.

We can continue this ride for quite a long time sometimes even a life time. 

Now, think about that moment that airplane stopped working. The moment that you heard that scary noise from the engine coming to a stop. Can you remember that oh! shit moment? Can you connect with how helpless and lost you felt? Do you see how you lost the time, space, and opportunity to think of anything other than saving your life?

This is what happened to me. I experienced that oh!shit moment with all my being in a deep way and what was scarier was that they told me that there is no life vest! Can you imagine the cold sweat going down my spine?

This is why my book is so real. I experienced the whole thing and had to assemble my own life vest to rescue myself in the hardest way.

It all happened so fast. My accident. My injury. It was not even a minute. It only took a few seconds for it to happen. It was a moment.

Maybe this is the case with almost the most important things in life. They happen within seconds. They do not take hours and months and years to happen.

Now that I think back, I wonder:

  • Did it really happen in a second?
  • Was it this meant to happen?
  • Did I make it happen?
  • Was this in the making for a long time and it just took a second to be triggered?

I don’t have answer to any of this.

I could never have an answer to any of this.

I don’t care about the answer to any of this… Anymore.

What needed to happen, happened.

It always does.

It happens.

And leaves us with shock, pain, disappointment, surprise, agony, happiness, awe…

What we do with it is entirely ours.

I’m talking about all those moments that within seconds, our life turns Upside Down very much like upside down pineapple cake that is mooched badly when it accidentally fell off our hands when we took it out of the oven.

The moments in which for us; life as We Used to Know It, does not exist anymore.

This is the story of my journey beyond one of these moments in this universe.

This is the story of how I tried to rebirth myself post my moment.

And if you ever had one of those moments, witnessed someone close to you have one of those moments, wondered what it feels like to have one of those moments and most importantly decided that YOU DO  NOT WANT TO HAVE ONE OF THESE OH!SHIT MOMENTS, then this book is for you.

Stay with me.



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